Thank you for your interest in our Foundation. We would like to make sure that you are properly informed and advised about the protection of your personal data during your visit to our website. We observe the relelvant data protection laws, in particular the European Data Protection Directive and the Federal Data Protection Law.
Under this Data Protection Declaration we inform you about who is responsible for the processing of your data on the website (hereafter: website) and which personal data from your visit to the site will be processed and which rights could be available to you under data protection law.
Guarantor: Bianca Vetter Foundation
The Bianca Vetter Foundation is responsible for processing your data on the website (hereafter “we” or “us”). Further information about the executive officers can be found under the company details on the website.
For further information on the use of personal data please contact Bianca Vetter Foundation:
Bianca Vetter Foundation
Mr. Dr. Jens Neitzel
Adelsbergstraße 8
D – 81247 München
or send an email to: